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Webinar: Keys to success in Metasearch

Mirai Webinar - Keys to success in Metasearch


Join our webinar and learn the best Revenue and Distribution Strategies to maximize your direct sales using Google Travel, Hotel Ads, Book on Google and Metasearch in general.
Ane Rezola from Google
Ane Rezola

Travel Vertical Search Specialist at Google

Pablo Sánchez from Mirai
Pablo Sánchez

Metasearch Business Development at Mirai

Gerard Plans from Ota Insight
Gerard Plans

Business Development at OTA Insight

ota insight
Enzo Aita from Funnel TV
Enzo Aita

Hospitality industry experts at FunnelTV

funnel tv

➜ Travel Research and Planning by Google. By Ane Rezola.
➜ How to take control of your distribution through metasearch. By Pablo Sánchez.
➜ Panel Discussion: Keys to maximize your direct channel. All the participants moderated by Enzo Aita.



If you are unable to attend the webinar but you are interested in the topic, please sign up and we will send you the recording.

Wednesday, 11 de December de 2019 13:00 a 14:00